Pack it up.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Thanks to all my Nashville friends who came to Flying Saucer last night to hang out and give me hugs before I leave! There were 35 or so folks that stopped in over the course of the night. Love you guys!

Those of you that know me well know how much of a procrastinator I am. True to form, I left for the send-off last night with [most of] my Europe things strewn across my bed, unpacked. Before you call me crazy, there is a reason I didn't throw it in the bag yet. I wanted to be able to see everything I was taking and check it off before it went in the bag.

So I slept on the couch.

Awake by 7:30 AM, I started putting everything together. My mom came to Nashville to take me to the airport and drive my car to Paris, so she was a huge help.

My progress as of 9 AM (about 3 hours before time to be at the airport)

After the bag was finally packed, Mom and I crammed my car with the rest of my earthly belongings that were at the house in Nashville (Thanks MaryAnn and Lauren for letting me squat in your house for the last month!!). And no, they weren't packed up before that point.

So that's it. Everything I own will fit on my back or be packed away 4,500 miles from me for 2 months. So much for worldly comforts.

Away I go!


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